


Calcium Fat Powder

Calcium Fat Powder
with Ratio of 65 to 35


Calcium fat powder is a valuable supplement in livestock and poultry nutrition, which is produced by combining fatty acids with calcium. The possibility of using fat in its natural form is limited due to the negative effects on the rumen microflora. Calcifying fats in addition to deactivating them in the rumen also improves the digestibility and palatability of the diet. Therefore, considering the high demand of the country, mainly through imports, experts and experienced scientific staff of Aala Oil sepehan Company have started producing high quality calcium fat powder with the following specifications.

The production method of calcium fat powder

In general, the production of calcium fat powder is done in two ways:

Direct method:

  • In this method, fatty acids react directly with calcium oxide (CaO) at high temperature and pressure.
  • The equipment required in this method is more expensive and more energy is consumed.
  • On the other hand, the raw materials are cheaper and the reaction time is shorter.

Indirect method:

  • In this method, fatty acids are first reacted with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and then combined with calcium chloride (CaCl₂).
  • The equipment required in this method is cheaper and less energy is consumed.
  • The raw materials are more expensive and the reaction time is longer.

Types of calcium fat powder

Calcium fat powder is a widely used food supplement in feeding livestock and poultry, which is widely used in the diet of these animals due to its many benefits. This powder is divided into three main categories: calcium fat powder, calcium plus fat powder. Omega-calcium fat powder is divided into three types, each of which has its own characteristics and uses:

1. Normal calcium fat powder


  • Contains essential fatty acids for the growth and reproduction of livestock and poultry
  • Improve the digestibility of food
  • Increasing milk production in dairy cows
  • Weight gain in livestock
  • Improving meat quality


  • As a source of energy in livestock and poultry diets
  • Improving reproductive performance in female livestock
  • Increasing the body’s resistance to diseases
  • Improving milk quality and increasing milk fat percentage


  • Increasing milk and meat production
  • Improving the physical condition of the animal
  • Reducing production costs
  • Increase the useful life of livestock
  • Improving carcass quality

2. Calcium plus fat powder


  • Contains more essential fatty acids, especially omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
  • Improve the function of the immune system
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improving the quality of skin and hair


  • In feeding breeding animals to increase growth rate and improve carcass quality
  • In feeding dairy animals to increase milk production and improve milk quality
  • In poultry feeding to improve egg quality and increase bird weight


  • Improve reproductive performance
  • Reduce casualties
  • Increasing resistance to diseases
  • Improving the quality of meat and eggs

3. Omega 3 calcium fat powder


  • Rich in omega 3 fatty acids
  • Reducing inflammation and improving cardiovascular function
  • Improving the functioning of the brain and nervous system


  • In feeding old animals to improve cardiovascular function
  • In feeding animals under stress
  • In feeding animals with chronic diseases


  • Improving the general health of livestock
  • Increase the useful life of livestock
  • Reducing treatment costs

Some of the benefits of using Lador fat powder:

  • Passing fats through the rumen as a source of energy
  • Increasing milk production along with maintaining its composition
  • Improving the function of the immune system and reducing the incidence of metabolic diseases
  • Increasing economic benefits through improved animal reproduction and health
  • Improving the quality of milk and meat
  • Improving the physical condition of the animal
  • Reducing casualties and increasing resistance to diseases
  • Improve reproductive performance
  • Reducing production costs

The main differences between the three types of calcium fat powder



Normal calcium fat powder


Calcium plus fat powder


Omega 3 calcium fat powder


Amount of essential fatty acids






Very high (especially omega-3)





Growth and reproduction, improvement of the immune system


Heart and brain health, reducing inflammation



Increase production, improve physical condition


Improve safety performance, reduce casualties


Improving general health, increasing life expectancy




    • Calcium: 7.9 percent
    • Humidity: 4.6%
    • Peroxide: 1meq/kg
    • The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids is 65 to 35

The reason for the superiority of calcium fat powder over other powders and supplements

  • Due to the combination with calcium, calcium fat powder is better absorbed in the intestine.
  • This powder is more resistant to oxidation and corruption.
  • Due to its special physical structure, it produces less dust and does not pollute the environment.
  • Using this powder in the diet of dairy animals increases milk production and improves its quality.
  • Calcium fat powder helps to improve reproductive performance in livestock.
  • This powder is a dense source of energy for livestock and helps them get the energy they need.
  • The use of this powder in the food ration of meat animals improves carcass quality and increases production efficiency.

Methods of using calcium fat powder in animal feed

Calcium fat powder is used as one of the important supplements in animal nutrition due to its high digestibility and positive effect on animal performance. There are different ways to use this powder in animal feed, each of which has its own advantages.

Mix with concentrate

Advantages: simple and common method, the possibility of uniform distribution of powder in the ration.
Considerations: the need for proper equipment for uniform mixing, the possibility of separating the powder from the concentrate if not properly mixed.

Add to the mixer Total Mix Ration (TMR)

Advantages: uniform distribution of powder in all rations, the possibility of using different types of supplements at the same time.
Considerations: The need for specialized TMR equipment, the importance of accurately adjusting the ratios of different ration ingredients.

Production of pellets or granules

Advantages: reduced dust, improved maintainability, easier transportability.
Considerations: the need for special equipment to produce pellets or granules, higher cost than other methods.

Use in liquid form

Advantages: Easy to mix with water or other liquids, suitable for sick animals or those with poor appetite.
Considerations: the need for special equipment to melt fat powder, the possibility of fat oxidation in case of improper storage.

Important points in using calcium fat powder

  1. Amount of consumption: The amount of calcium fat powder consumption depends on various factors such as the type of animal, age, production stage, and type of diet. It is better to determine the exact dosage with the advice of a veterinarian or nutritionist.
  2. Time of use: The best time to add fat powder to the ration is before mixing all the components of the ration. This helps to distribute the powder evenly in the ration.
  3. Type of fat powder: High quality calcium fat powders with a suitable fatty acid profile are the best option for use in animal feed.
  4. Storage conditions: Store calcium fat powder in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight to prevent fat oxidation.
Nutritional Value
Composition of some important fatty acids Percent
C16:0 ۲۶
C16:1 ۷
C18:0 ۶٫۵
C18:1 ۴۱٫۵
C18:2 ۱۵٫۵

The importance of unsaturated fatty acids in reproduction

Calcium fat powder is divided into three categories based on the type of fatty acids used in it:

  • Calcium fat powder with saturated fatty acids: This type of powder contains saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid and stearic acid.
  • Calcium fat powder with unsaturated fatty acids: This type of powder contains unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid.
  • Calcium fat powder with a combination of fatty acids: this type of powder is a combination of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

In recent years, there has been an alarming decline in reproductive performance. Several researches indicate that unsaturated fatty acids with multiple double bonds have the ability to improve fertility in dairy cows. Potential mechanisms for this action include improving energy density, altering follicular development, increasing progesterone concentration, and improving embryo quality. Since the microbial bio-hydrogenation activity of the rumen converts most of the unsaturated fatty acids in the diet into saturated ones, the use of a suitable fat supplement that has both a suitable concentration of these fatty acids and allows them to pass through the rumen unchanged , you can see the improvement of reproduction in dairy cows. Academic research shows the improvement of reproductive performance in dairy cows due to the use of unsaturated fat sources. (University of Arizona – USA)

In order to compare the effects of Lauderfat fat supplement with pure fat supplement and an equal mixture of Lauderfat and pure fat supplement, a research was conducted in the research farm of Tehran University Agriculture Campus, the results of which you can see.


Calcium fat powder is a valuable food supplement for livestock and poultry that can help improve production performance, health and welfare of animals. By choosing the right type of calcium fat powder and using it correctly, you can achieve the desired results in the animal husbandry industry.

Aala oil sepahan company under the Lador brand is active in the production of poultry oil, tallow oil and palm fat powder  also produces and markets omega-3 fat powder and calcium plus fat powder with the best quality. For more information and price inquiries, contact Ladorfat experts.