


Palm Oil Powder 90%

Pure Fat Powder
with palmitic 85-90%


Pure Fat Powder
with palmitic 85-90%

Fats are important molecules, thought to be the source of energy, and make up for the structural and functional components of cells. Due to the high energy requirements of high-producing cows, fat supplementation is essential to achieve maximum production potential.

Product Specifications
Property Amount
Raw fat 99 percent
Pure breastfeeding energy 5.8 megacalories per Kg
Palmitic acid  85-90%
Total saturated fatty acids 99-95 percent
Stearic acid 30-35 percent
Olic acid Maximum 5%
Melting point 55 to 58 Celsius
Appearance Granules
Color White

Nutritional Features

  • Contains high energy content
  • No interference with rumen microflora
  • Good digestibility
  • Improving the production of milk and milk fat
  • Improve reproduction and physical score
  • Stable in different weather conditions

Production Method & Formula

  • Free of chemicals and chemical products
  • Reducing the effects of negative energy balance
  • Free of any dust and unpleasant smell
  • 100% plant origin
Recommended consumption
Type of Livestock Amount of consumption per animal (grams per day)
New born dairy cows 300-500 grams
High production cows 300-800 grams
Medium production cows 200-500 grams
Dairy Sheep & Goats 30-80 grams